:::more sss :::
::: Lightning the subsurface scattering :::
::: Yeah, frogger is fully animateable :::
blendshapes are done, facerig is done, skinning is optimized.
Next steps are the refinement of the texture color which is not satisfying me, because for now it is only a "Rotaugenlaubfrosch", but the little frogger is supposed to be more a southamerican type of its species.
The bumpiness in the skin texture is purely procedural and comes out great, but only with final gathering and so I have to tweak this, so that frogger is renderable with importons & irradience particles.
::: rigging and wrong skinning process :::
At the moment I am skinning the frog ,codenamed "frogger". As the geometry is bound to its bodyrig I am testing its deformation of its geometry and as for now I have to cleanup the deformation of the buttocks.
The facerig is pluged into the bodyrig and controllers for the eyes movement are built.
The next step is to generate the mimicking blendshapes, which will be controlled by the hard transformed eyelids.
better skinning process is to exclude parts of the characters bodyparts, skin ´m seperatly and place the skinned body parts in form of weightmaps onto the skinncluster deformer, smooth the weights out while all other weighted bones are locked. Excluding the ones your are painting.
::: Charakter_Dev @ ITW SiliconStudio Berlin :::